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Interestingly, vescalagin ( 1 ) is almost systematically found in lower
amounts than castalagin ( 2 ) in plant extracts. This intriguing observation
could be a consequence of the lack of chemical reactivity at C-1 of
castalagin ( 2 ). Thus, on the sole basis of this chemical reactivity
difference between 1 and 2 , one can argue that vescalagin ( 1 ) is the
preferred precursor of the in vivo formation of C -glycosidic ellagitannin
oligomers and C-1 conjugates such as the flavano-ellagitannins and the
lyxose/xylose-bearing conjugates. For example, considering the
structures of the C -glycosidic ellagitannins typically found in significant
amounts in fagaceous wood species (Fig. 9.2), grandinin and the roburins
A-E would be, all six of them, derived from a nucleophilic substitution at
C-1 of vescalagin ( 1 ). Overall, the construction of these six compounds
would require nine equivalents of 1 for only one equivalent of castalagin
( 2 ), which would be involved in the formation of roburin D ( 6 ) via a
nucleophilic attack of its 4,6-HHBP group onto the C-1 position of a
vescalagin unit. Diastereofacial differentiation of the vescalagin-derived benzylic
Starting from vescalagin ( 1 ), all of the condensation reactions we
performed using various carbon-, oxygen- and sulfur-based nucleophiles
occurred with retention of configuration at C-1, i.e. , the newly formed
bond is still β-oriented (see Sections 9.2.2 and 9.3). This β-orientation is
exclusively observed in all of the C -glycosidic ellagitannin-derived
oligomers and conjugates, including flavano-ellagitannins, which have
been so far isolated from plants. Since chemical reactions thus appear to
follow the same stereochemistry path than biochemical transformations,
the rationale for such a high diastereoselectivity cannot be invoked to
rely upon an enzymatic control. Moreover, as stated above, this
diastereoselectivity can at first appear surprising if one claims a passage
via a benzylic cation intermediate such as 27 in the context of an S N 1-
type mechanism (Fig. 9.7). However, an examination of 27 by
computational means has revealed stereoelectronic effects that can
explain the diastereofacial selection imposed on its electrophilic C-1
cationic center.
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