Database Reference
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4.15.1 Queries on Relation Scheme
Retrieve the list of male PhD students
σ degree = 'PhD'^ sex = 'F' (student)
Obtain the name and regID of all male BA students
π regID, name degree = 'BA'^ gender = 'M' (student))
Obtain the regID of students who got more than 800 marks π regID (student) - π regID mark-
sObt > 800 (admission))
Obtain the department Ids for departments with no lady teacher π deptID (department) - π
deptID gender = 'F' (teacher))
Obtain the regID of male students who have obtained at least 800 marks π regID gender =
'M' (student)) )” π regID marksObt >= 800(admission))
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