Database Reference
In-Depth Information
14. A subquery within a subquery is called nested query
15. View and table are same.
Long Answer type Question
1. Write various SQL Tools.
2. Explain various Data Types
(True/ False) (True/ False) (True/ False) (True/ False) (True/ False) (True/ False) (True/
False) (True/ False)
3. How can you create tables with Primary Key or NOT NULL values.
4. Explain Modification of tables Structure with examples.
5. How can you retrieve Data from Tables
6. Write various conditional operator.
7. What is difference between IN and BETWEEN operator.
8. Explain Order By, Group By, Having Clause.
9. Explain Aggregate Functions, Numeric Functions and String Functions
10. How can join tables using SQL?
11. What is sub query?
12. How can you update data using SQL?
13. Write short note on following:
i. Trigger ii. View
iii. Index iv. Commit
v. Rollback vi. Transaction
Chapter 8
8.1 What Is PL/SQL?
PL/SQL stands for “Procedural Language extensions to the Structured Query Language.”
PL/SQL truly is an easy language, compared to other programming languages. A computer
language is a particular way of giving sequence wise instructions to a computer. Procedural
refers to a series of ordered steps that the computer should follow to produce a result. Pro-
cedural language includes data structures that hold information that can be used several
times. Program written in such a language use its sequential, conditional, and repetitive
constructs to express algorithms. PL/SQL is in the same family of languages as BASIC,
COBOL Pascal, and C.
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