Travel Reference
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Top 10 Historic
Merovingian King Clovis
(465-511) founded the French
state by defeating the Romans
and uniting disparate tribes.
After signing the Treaty of
St-Clair-sur-Epte, Viking leader
Hrølf (c.854-928) became
Rollo, first duke of Normandy.
William Long Sword
Rollo's acquisitive warrior
son (c.893-943) extended the
duchy's boundaries by taking
Cotentin and southern Manche.
William the Conqueror with his army
William the Conqueror
William (1027-87), the
bastard son of Robert the
Magnificent, united Normandy
and conquered England.
1940: German Occupation
On 7 June 1940, the German
army marched into Forges-les-
Eaux and, two days later, into
Rouen - the prelude to four
years of occupation, during which
local people were imprisoned,
tortured, deported and executed.
Whilst abroad, William left
Normandy in the hands of his
wife Matilda (c.1031-83).
1944: D-Day
In June 1944, Norman
beaches became the target for
Operation Overlord (see p31) .
By 20 August, the Allied forces
were advancing towards Paris
over the Perche hills.
Richard the Lionheart
Richard (1157-99) became
duke of Normandy in 1189. In
1196, he built Château Gaillard
to protect Rouen.
Joan of Arc
A country girl (1412-31),
she was encouraged by angelic
voices to save France from
English domination (see p23) .
2004: 60th Anniversary of
Every 10 years, surviving D-Day
veterans gather to commemorate
the dead; the 2004 gathering
may have been one of the last.
Samuel de Champlain
Explorer de Champlain
(1567-1635) set out from
Honfleur to found Quebec.
Charlotte Corday
Educated in Caen, Girondin
sympathizer Corday (1768-93)
killed radical revolutionary
Jean-Paul Marat in his bath.
Charles de Gaulle
Leader of the Free French,
de Gaulle (1890-1970) came
ashore at Juno Beach on 14
June 1944 to reclaim France
for the French.
Allied invasion of Normandy, 6 June 1944
For more on the D-Day landings See pp28-31
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