Travel Reference
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Left Musée Airborne Right Arromanches 360
D-Day Museums
Musée Mémorial de la
Bataille de Normandie
A good place to start, this
museum gives an excellent
overview of the 77-day battle.
d blvd Fabian-Ware, Bayeux Map D3
Open daily Adm charge
Musée des Épaves
A fascinating collection of
D-Day wrecks. d rte de Bayeux, Port-
en-Bessin Map C3 Open Jun-Sep:
daily; May: 10am-noon, 2-6pm Sat & Sun
Adm charge
Musée du Débarquement
Port Winston, the artificial
harbour constructed in the bay
outside, is brought vividly to life.
d St-Côme, Arromanches Map D3
Open Feb-Dec: daily Adm charge
Musée de la Liberté
An absorbing “museum
without weapons , describing life
in occupied France and the liber-
ation of the Cotentin Peninsula.
d Quinéville Map B2 Open mid-Mar-
mid-Nov: daily Adm charge
Arromanches 360
Surrounded by nine screens,
the viewer witnesses the events
of D-Day in an 18-
minute film, The Price
of Freedom . d St-Côme,
Arromanches Map D3 Open
Feb-Dec: daily Adm charge
Musée Airborne
Shaped like a
parachute, this museum
commemorates the
American paratroops
dropped behind Utah
Beach. d Ste-Mère-Eglise
Map B3 Open Feb-Nov:
daily Adm charge
Juno Beach Centre
A museum depicting
the Canadian contribution
to D-Day. d Courseulles-
sur-Mer Map D3 Open
Feb-Dec: daily Adm charge
Musée des
The museum tells the
saga of the US Rangers, from
their formation in June 1942 to
their heroic assault on Pointe du
Hoc. d Grandcamp-Maisy Map C3
Open Apr-Oct: Tue-Sun Adm charge
Bill Millin's bagpipes,
Musée Mémorial Pegasus
Musée Mémorial Pégasus
Bill Millin's bagpipes are
among the exhibits commemora-
ting the British glider assault at
Bénouville. d Ranville-Bénouville Map
E3, D3 Open Feb-Dec: daily Adm charge
Le Grand Bunker
The impressive command
post of the German battery at
Ouistreham houses the Atlantic
Wall Museum. d Ouistreham Map
E3 Open Feb-Nov: daily Adm charge
Musee des Épaves
For information on the peace museum, Le Mémorial See pp 25, 52
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