Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Repackage, target, translate, adapt the science
Communicate “the science” and outcomes
Communicate about the science
Document processes, learning and outputs
Project start up
Communicate about the project
Engagement with stakeholders and partners and messaging
Project launch
Project end
Figure 3.2 Changes in communication roles over time.
Source: Ballantyne, 2012.
national researchers felt marginalized because of poor internet access and
unclear user protocols (Merrey et al., 2013). In the Volta, online systems did
not work well because of language differences and poor internet coverage.
All basins emphasized regular in-person meetings, focused science meetings
and annual or semi-annual reflection workshops to refine working approaches.
The Mekong established an annual forum, where researchers presented their
results to investors, government officials, development professionals and other
researchers. In the Andes and the Ganges, partners used field tours followed by
cross-project technical meetings to develop a common vision of the issues and
build synergies.
The CPWF used dialogue spaces, online discussion groups, repositories,
blogs and a website to improve communication between and amongst basin
teams. Nevertheless, a survey in 2013 found that internal communication
could have been better. Most researchers believed that the tools were more
useful for the coordination and change project team members and Project
Leaders. Program information sent through these channels often did not reach
project researchers or partners. In contrast, the CPWF website and e-letter
were perceived to be very useful for sharing information across basins (Schuetz,
A challenge throughout the Program was the proliferation of systems that
replicated functions. Many basins developed their own systems for sharing,
document repositories and even social media (Table 3.1). Some projects
developed their own websites and sharing mechanisms.
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