Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Diversification - vegetables or tree crops
Improved or stress-tolerant varieties
Land use planning or zoning
Supplemental irrigation, use of alluvial aquifiers
Blue water allocation
Water rights/water access
Land and water conservation
Fertilizer use and access
Seed access
Construction or management of dugouts or SR
Improved agricultural water management
Diversification - livestock
Diversification - aquaculture or capture fisheries
Rainwater harvesting
Rice crop management
Other fresh water storage (not including SR)
Conservation agriculture
MUS water system design
Rangeland rehabilitation
Credit access
Large dam design and management
Sluice gate management
Wetland management
Drip irrigation
Groundwater pumping/permits
Slash and mulch systems
Aerobic rice
02468 0 2 4 6 8
Figure 5.3 The number of CPWF projects focusing on different technical innovations.
SR= small reservoirs, MUS= multiple-use water services .
Source: Authors.
benefits women. Changing the policy for pumping permits (PN42) allowed
smallholders in West Bengal to use groundwater to irrigate and intensify their
cropping systems.
Varieties and crop management
A number of projects introduced improved varieties (17), usually combined
with improved crop management (11), fertilizer (11) and credit (5). About half
of them were on irrigated rice (9).
Another group of projects focused on rainfed staple crops under abiotic stress.
Project PN1 in the Limpopo Basin defined problems in terms of risk (flood and
drought), market deficiencies, and lack of draft power to apply low-till or water
harvesting. It aimed to address the problems by introducing drought-tolerant
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