Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
How it works…
The following screenshot compares the difference between having antialiasing off
and on—notice the jaggies along the bottom of the triangle are not there in the
right-hand side image.
No antialiasing on the left and 4x multisampling on the right
It is important to note that all depth/stencil and render targets must use the same
SampleDescription structure.
See also
F The Incorporating multisample antialiasing recipe in Chapter 10 , Implementing
Deferred Rendering , that covers some additional advanced topics for using MSAA
textures where multisampling would otherwise be unavailable.
Implementing texture sampling
In this recipe we are going to take the quad and triangle renderers from the previous
example and apply some texture using a shader resource view (SRV), a sampler state
object, and changes to the shader program.
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