Graphics Reference
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The async keyword works for us here because CreateDeviceDependentResources
is an overridden event handler attached to the DeviceManager instance within the
D3DApplicationBase class constructor as shown here: DeviceManager.OnInitialize
+= CreateDeviceDependentResources;
As the CreateDeviceDependentResources event handler will now continue running
asynchronously while the CompositionTarget.Rendering event fires for each frame, we
must set a flag to indicate when the resources are ready to be used and then check this flag
within the D3DApp.Render function before attempting to render. With the main Direct3D
application class implementing asynchronous resource creation, there is no need to use the
async / await keywords within other renderers' CreateDeviceDependentResources
functions. If we did this, it would be necessary to also check when those renderers' resources
are ready before attempting to render a frame.
Loading a mesh at runtime uses the await keyword as well, because the Common.Mesh.
LoadFromFileAsync function utilizes the Windows.Storage.StorageFile class for file
I/O in Windows Store app. The CompileFromFileAsync method provides a wrapper around
the Direct3D 11 Compile function, implementing the async / await keywords. The ability to
compile shaders at runtime within Windows Store apps is new to Windows 8.1. For Windows
Store apps under Windows 8.0, it was possible to do so within development environments and
only if copying the library manually to the build directory.
There's moreā€¦
In the downloadable content for this topic, available on the Packt website, the projects
Ch11_03CreatingResourcesAsync and Common.WinRT also include changes necessary
to load textures from a file. Windows Store apps do not support the ShaderResourceView.
FromFile function and instead require you to provide your own DirectDraw Surface (DDS)
file and image-loading routines.
The static class Common.LoadTexture includes the following functions:
F LoadBitmap : This loads a bitmap using Windows Imaging Component (WIC)
F CreateTexture2DFromBitmap : This creates a Texture2D resource from
F SRVFromFile and LoadFromFile : These either load a DDS file using a C# ported
version of DDS code from Microsoft or load regular image formats using WIC.
They return a ShaderResourceView method and/or a SharpDX.Direct3D11.
Resource ( Texture1D / Texture2D / Texture3D ) function.
The only change to the updated MeshRenderer class in the completed project for this recipe
is to call LoadTexture.SRVFromFile instead of ShaderResourceView.FromFile ,
which is no longer available with Windows Store apps.
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