Graphics Reference
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Open the new XAML file in the designer ( Shift + F7 ), and change the Page tag to
SwapChainPanel , as shown in the following screenshot:
Changing the Page element to SwapChainPanel
9. Now, open the C# code for the XAML file ( F7 ), and change the class we inherit to
SwapChainPanel instead of Page .
public sealed partial class D3DPanel : SwapChainPanel
10. Within the default constructor, we will initialize a new instance of a D3DApp class
(that inherits from the D3DAppSwapChainPanelTarget class), and create the
rendering loop using the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.CompositionTarget.
Rendering event.
D3DApp d3dApp;
public D3DPanel()
// Only use Direct3D if outside of the designer
if (!Windows.ApplicationModel.DesignMode
d3dApp = new D3DApp(this);
CompositionTarget.Rendering +=
void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, object e)
if (d3dApp != null)
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