Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The following screenshot shows an example of the output using CubeRenderer
from the recipes in Chapter 3 , Rendering Meshes , and overlaying the 2D text with
the TextRenderer class:
Output from the simple Hello World sample using the CoreWindow render target
How it works…
As mentioned, Visual Studio 2013 only provides templates for XAML-based Windows Store
apps in C#. Therefore, we started with the C# Blank App (XAML) and then removed the XAML
classes so that we could use our own view provider.
To create our own basic view provider, it is necessary for us to define a view provider factory
and a view provider class: D3DAppViewProviderFactory and D3DAppViewProvider ,
respectively, in our sample. Within the static Main entry-point, we then create an instance
of our view provider factory and tell the application singleton to run our factory using
CoreApplication.Run . Our custom view provider implements the four methods of
the IFrameworkView interface: Initialize , SetWindow , Load , and Run . Within
SetWindow , we create a swap chain for the provided CoreWindow and initialize our
D3DAppCoreWindowTarget concrete descendent class.
The D3DAppCoreWindowTarget class connects to the SizeChanged event of CoreWindow
within the constructor, provides the size of CoreWindow through the CurrentBounds
property, and finally creates a swap chain using the SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChain1
constructor that accepts a CoreWindow instance. The equivalent in native code would
be to use the IDXGIFactory2.CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow method.
// Create the swap chain for the CoreWindow
using (var coreWindow = new ComObject(_window))
return new SwapChain1(factory, device, coreWindow, ref desc);
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