Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
New Project dialog to create a class library project for Windows Store apps
2. Add references to the following SharpDX assemblies: SharpDX.dll , SharpDX.
D3DCompiler.dll , SharpDX.Direct2D1.dll , SharpDX.Direct3D11.dll ,
and SharpDX.DXGI within .\External\Bin\DirectX11_2-Signed-winrt .
3. Right-click on the new project; navigate to Add | Existing item...; and select
the following files from the existing Common project: D3DApplicationBase.
cs , DeviceManager.cs , Mesh.cs , RendererBase.cs , and
HLSLFileIncludeHandlers.hlsl , and optionally, FpsRenderer.cs
and TextRenderer.cs .
4. Instead of duplicating the files, we can choose to Add As Link within the file selection
dialog, as shown in the following screenshot:
Files can be added as a link instead of a copy
5. Any platform-specific code can be wrapped with a check for the NETFX_CORE
definition, as shown in the following snippet:
...Windows Store app code
...Windows Desktop code
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