Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
if (isFullScreen || (cameraParams.ZNear > viewSpacePos.Z -
light.Range && cameraParams.ZFar < viewSpacePos.Z + light.
// Use SAQuad to process entire G-Buffer
context.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState = depthDisabled;
saQuad.ShaderResources = null;
saQuad.Shader = shader; // Set appropriate light shader
else // Render volume (point light)
... see next step
22. In the case above, when the camera is not fully enclosed by the point light's volume,
we need to scale and position the volume mesh for the light (for example, a sphere).
Prior to rendering the mesh, we determine whether to cull front or back faces,
and whether to perform a greater-than/lesser-than depth test.
// Set appropriate shader
MeshRenderer volume = pointLightVolume;
// Prepare world matrix
Matrix world = Matrix.Identity;
world.ScaleVector = Vector3.One * light.Range;
world.TranslationVector = Lights[i].Position;
volume.World = world;
var transposed = PerObject; // Transpose PerObject matrices
transposed.World = volume.World;
transposed.WorldViewProjection = volume.World *
context.UpdateSubresource(ref transposed, PerObjectBuffer);
if (cameraParams.ZFar < viewSpacePos.Z + light.Range)
// Cull the back face and only render where there is
// something behind the front face.
context.Rasterizer.State = rsCullBack;
context.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState = depthLessThan;
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