Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
First let's add the following C# light type enumeration and PerLight constant buffer
structure for use in our renderer.
public enum LightType : uint
Ambient = 0,
Directional = 1,
Point = 2,
public struct PerLight
public Vector3 Direction;
public LightType Type;
public Vector3 Position;
public float Range;
public Color4 Color;
Declare the LightRenderer class and add the following private and public
member fields:
public class LightRenderer: Common.RendererBase
#region Initialized by CreateDeviceDepenedentResources
// PerLight constant buffer
Buffer perLightBuffer;
// Light texture and its RTV and SRV
Texture2D lightBuffer;
RenderTargetView RTV;
public ShaderResourceView SRV;
VertexShader vertexShader;
PixelShader psAmbientLight;
PixelShader psDirectionalLight;
PixelShader psPointLight;
RasterizerState rsCullBack;
RasterizerState rsCullFront;
RasterizerState rsWireframe;
// Additive blend state
BlendState blendStateAdd;
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