Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
DXGI 1.3 enhancements include:
F Overlapping swap chains and scaling, for example, presenting a swap chain that
is rendered at a lower resolution, then up-scaling and overlapping with a UI swap
chain at the displays native resolution.
F Trim device command, allowing memory to be released temporarily. Suitable for
when an application is being suspended and to reduce the chances that it will be
terminated to reclaim resources for other apps.
F Ability to set the source size of the back buffer allowing the swap chain to be
resized (smaller) without recreating the swap chain resources.
F Ability to implement more flexible and lower frame latencies by specifying the
maximum frame latency (number of frames that can be queued at one time) and
retrieving a wait handle to use with WaitForSingleObjectEx before commencing the
next frame's drawing commands.
Building a Direct3D 11 application with C#
and SharpDX
In this recipe we will prepare a blank project that contains the appropriate SharpDX
references and a minimal rendering loop. The project will initialize necessary Direct3D
objects and then provide a basic rendering loop that sets the color of the rendering
surface to Color.LightBlue .
Getting ready
Make sure you have Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop or Professional
and higher installed. Download the SharpDX binary package and have it at hand.
To simplify the recipes in this topic, lets put all our projects in a single solution:
Create a new Blank Solution in Visual Studio by navigating to File | New |
Project… ( Ctrl + Shift + N ), search for and select Blank Solution by typing
that in the search box at the top right of the New Project form ( Ctrl + E ).
Enter a solution name and location and click on Ok.
The recipes in this topic will assume that the solution has
been named D3DRendering.sln and that it is located
in C:\Projects\D3DRendering .
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