Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The following table lists some pros and cons between the two methods. Note that both
implementations presented here require Direct3D 10 or later.
Dynamic cubic environment mapping
Dual paraboloid environment mapping
F Provides good quality and is
F Supports hardware sampling
F It is view independent
F Uses less memory (two textures)
F Uses only up to two copies of
a primitive
F It is view independent
F Larger memory use (six textures)
F Uses up to six copies of a primitive
F Can be difficult to remove seams
F Custom sampling is required
F There may be some distortion and
the quality is lower than normal
See also
F Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 by Jason Zink and Dual
Paraboloid Mapping at
F View-independent Environment Maps by Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter
Seidel (1998) provides additional information on the underlying mathematics
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