Graphics Reference
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// Render the scene using the view, projection, RTV and DSV
// Note that we use an identity matrix for the projection!
renderScene(context, this.DualMapView.View,
Matrix.Identity , EnvMapRTV, EnvMapDSV, this);
// Unbind the RTV and DSV
// Prepare the SRV mip levels
This completes the changes to the DualParaboloidMap class.
19. Within MeshRenderer.cs , change the type for the EnvironmentMap property.
public DualParaboloidMap EnvironmentMap { get; set; }
20. In the MeshRenderer.DoRender method, where the IsReflective property of
the material constant buffer is prepared, make the following highlighted changes:
if (this.EnvironmentMap != null)
material.IsReflective = 1;
material.ReflectionAmount = 0.4f;
// Assign the per dual map buffer to the PS
// stage at slot 4
21. Within the D3DApp.CreateDeviceDependentResources method, compile the
DualParaboloidMap.hlsl shaders, namely, VS_DualMap , GS_DualMap , and
PS_DualMap , using the vs_5_0 , gs_5_0 , and ps_5_0 shader profiles respectively.
22. Next, change all of the remaining instances of DynamicCubeMap to
DualParaboloidMap throughout the D3DApp class.
23. Our last change pertains to multithreaded rendering within the renderScene
method, and for the thread Task delegate, it is necessary to assign the environment
map constant buffer to vertex and pixel shaders.
// If multithreaded
// If we are rendering for an env map we must set the
// per environment map constant buffer.
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