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In order to make the physics engine update our mesh's world matrix, we will
implement a class that is inherited from the BulletSharp.MotionState class.
using BulletSharp;
using SharpDX;
public class MeshMotionState : BulletSharp.MotionState
public MeshRenderer Mesh { get; private set; }
public MeshMotionState(MeshRenderer mesh)
Mesh = mesh;
// Retrieve or Sets the Mesh's world transform
public override SharpDX.Matrix WorldTransform
return Mesh.World * Matrix
Mesh.World = Matrix
.Translation(-Mesh.Mesh.Extent.Center) *
After initializing the renderers and before the render loop, let's now initialize the
physics engine within the D3DApp.Run method directly.
using BulletSharp;
DynamicsWorld world = null;
CollisionConfiguration defaultConfig =
new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
ConstraintSolver solver =
new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
BulletSharp.Dispatcher dispatcher =
new CollisionDispatcher(defaultConfig);
BroadphaseInterface broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
// Function to initialize the world and rigid bodies for
// the loaded meshes. Done as an action so we can easily
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