Graphics Reference
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We'll begin with creating the horizontal blur compute shader.
The start of our shader code will introduce the input and output resources as before
and in addition, we will use the #define macros to control the thread group size
and filter tap.
Texture2D<float4> input : register(t0);
RWTexture2D<float4> output : register(u0);
#define FILTERTAP 5 // Must be ODD
// Note: at a thread group size of 1024, the maximum
// FILTERTAP possible is 33
#define THREADSX 1024
#define THREADSY 1
// The total group size (DX11 max 1024)
Next, we will create our thread group shared memory. The shared memory needs to
be large enough to store the samples for a complete thread group. Border threads at
the start and end of the x axis for the thread group need to load an extra texel.
// Shared memory for storing thread group data for filters
// with enough room for
// Max size of groupshared is 32KB
groupshared float4 FilterGroupMemX[GROUPSIZE + (THREADSY *
3. Our last global variable is the blur filter kernel. For now we will configure the kernel
as a simple box filter (where each texel under the kernel is given equal weight). It is
important to note that the kernel must be of the same size as the filter-tap specified
in FILTERTAP and that the middle element represents the kernel origin and
therefore, the current texel.
static const float BlurKernel[FILTERTAP] =
As we are only creating a 1D filter (for example, the horizontal and vertical filters are
separated), we are using a filter-tap x 1 convolution kernel . Here we have used a
shortcut to create the even weightings of a box filter by initializing the array with
1.0 / filter-tap. .
As a general rule, the sum of all elements in the kernel must
equal 1.0.
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