Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Command lists
A command list stores a queue of Direct3D API commands for deferred execution or
merging into another deferred context. They facilitate the efficient playback of a number
of API commands queued from a device context.
A command list is represented by the ID3D11CommandList interface in unmanaged
C++ and the Direct3D11.CommandList class in managed C# with SharpDX. They are
created using:
F Managed: DeviceContext.FinishCommandList
F Unmanaged: ID3D11DeviceContext::FinishCommandList
Command lists are played back on the immediate context using:
F Managed: DeviceContext.ExecuteCommandList
F Unmanaged: ID3D11DeviceContext::ExecuteCommandList
Trying to execute a command list on a deferred context or trying to
create a command list from an immediate context will result in an error.
Swap chains
A swap chain facilitates the creation of one or more back buffers. These buffers are used to
store rendered data before being presented to an output display device. The swap chain takes
care of the low-level presentation of this data and with Direct3D 11.1, supports stereoscopic
3D display behavior (left and right eye for 3D glasses/displays).
If the output of rendering is to be sent to an output connected to the current adapter, a swap
chain is required.
Swap chains are part of the DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) API, which is responsible
for enumerating graphics adapters, display modes, defining buffer formats, sharing resources
between processes, and finally (via the swap chain) presenting rendered frames to a window
or output device for display.
A swap chain is represented by the following types:
F Managed: SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChain and SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChain1
F Unmanaged: IDXGISwapChain and IDXGISwapChain1
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