Graphics Reference
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Next, we will modify the vertex structure by adding a new Tangent property to the
end of the VertexShaderInput structure in Shaders\Common.hlsl .
struct VertexShaderInput {
float4 Tangent: TANGENT; // for normal mapping
Now, let's add a new WorldTangent property to the end of the PixelShaderInput
structure within Shaders\Common.hlsl .
struct PixelShaderInput {
float4 WorldTangent: TANGENT; // for normal mapping
Next, we will modify the vertex skinning (if any) to skin the tangent vector.
void SkinVertex(float4 weights, uint4 bones, inout float4
position, inout float3 normal, inout float4 tangent ) {
// If there are skin weights apply vertex skinning
if (weights.x != 0)
... SNIP
// also for the tangent (the w component contains
// the handedness used for calculating bitangent)
tangent = float4(mul(,
Within each vertex shader in Shaders\VS.hlsl , we add the input tangent to the
parameter list of SkinVertex . Then, we will apply the same transform matrix as
per the WorldNormal property. The new code is highlighted in the following code:
... SNIP vertex shader code
// Apply vertex skinning if any
SkinVertex(vertex.SkinWeights, vertex.SkinIndices, vertex.
Position, vertex.Normal, vertex.Tangent);
... SNIP vertex shader code
result.WorldNormal = mul(vertex.Normal, (float3x3)
result.WorldTangent = float4(mul(,
(float3x3)WorldInverseTranspose), vertex.Tangent.w);
... SNIP vertex shader code
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