Graphics Reference
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HS_BezierPatchConstant result =
// Perform rounding
...SNIP as per quad patch constant function above
// Apply constant information
for (uint I = 0; i < 16; i++)
result.TextureUV[i] = patch[i].TextureUV;
return result;
Next, we create the Bezier patch domain shader. This time, we will use bicubic
Bezier surface interpolation with the DeCasteljauBicubic function within
CommonTess.hlsl . The domain shader code for the Bezier surface is as follows:
// Applies control point weighting using Bezier bicubic
// interpolation
PixelShaderInput DS_Bezier( HS_BezierPatchConstant constantData,
const OutputPatch<DS_ControlPointInput, 16> patch,
float2 uv : SV_DomainLocation )
PixelShaderInput result = (PixelShaderInput)0;
// input Colors
float3 c[16];
// input Control points
float3 p[16];
for(uint i=0;i<16;i++) {
p[i] = patch[i].Position;
c[i] = patch[i].Diffuse.rgb;
float3 position, normal;
// Perform De Casteljau bicubic interpolation of
// positions then output final position and normal
DeCasteljauBicubic(uv, p, position, normal );
// Perform De Casteljau bicubic interpolation of UV
DeCasteljauBicubic(uv, constantData.TextureUV,
result.TextureUV );
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