Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
F Sampling the TextureCube method in the pixel shader, passing the normal
vector as the UVW coordinate
Cube mapping with diffuse and specular highlights
Texture cube UVW coordinates are unit vectors pointing from the
center of the object to the surface where it is mapped to one of the
six textures of the cube map by the sampler within the pixel shader.
See also
F Chapter 6 , Adding Surface Detail with Normal and Displacement Mapping ,
demonstrates how to add support for normal mapping
F For more information about implementing other types of lights, including volumetric
lights, see Chapter 10 , Implementing Deferred Rendering
Using a right-handed coordinate system
Up to this point, we have used a left-handed coordinate system, where the z axis points
away from the view. The Visual Studio graphics content pipeline assumes a right-handed
coordinate system when producing .cmo files. For the resulting 3D models we use for the
remainder of this topic, use a clockwise vertex winding order. The difference between
left-handed and right-handed coordinates can be seen in the following figure:
Left-handed versus right-handed Cartesian coordinates - note that the z axis is reversed
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