Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Within D3DApp.CreateDeviceDependentResources , create the pixel shader as
per the simple and depth pixel shaders.
Implementing Blinn-Phong shaders
Follow the given steps for implementing Blinn-Phong shaders:
This time in Common.hlsl , we will create a pixel shader that uses the Blinn-Phong
shading model. This is similar to the Phong reflection model; however, instead of the
costly reflection calculation per pixel, we use a half-way vector.
float3 SpecularBlinnPhong(float3 normal, float3 toLight, float3
toEye) {
// Calculate the half vector
float3 halfway = normalize(toLight + toEye);
// Saturate is used to prevent backface light reflection
// Calculate specular (smaller power = larger highlight)
float specularAmount = pow(saturate(dot(normal,
halfway)), max(MaterialSpecularPower,0.00001f));
return MaterialSpecular.rgb * specularAmount;
2. Create the shader file, Shaders\BlinnPhongPS.hlsl . After the include directives,
Texture2D and SamplerState , add the PSMain function as per the Phong shader,
except in this case, call SpecularBlinnPhong instead of SpecularPhong . Again,
create the pixel shader object in your D3DApp class.
3. The final output of each material/lighting shader is shown in sequence in the
following screenshot. The downloadable sample code binds the number keys 1 , 2 , 3 ,
and 4 to each of these in order.
Material and lighting output comparison - None, diffuse, Phong, and Blinn-Phong
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