Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
15. Next we will define our PerFrame structure; the structures must be of 16 bytes that
are aligned and evenly divisible by 16, thus the extra _padding0 property.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct PerFrame
public SharpDX.Vector3 CameraPosition;
float _padding0;
16. Within our D3DApp class, we must change the initialization of the shaders in
CreateDeviceDependentResources ; we must also update our code to
use the constant buffer structures we just defined.
17. Before we can compile our shaders at runtime that use include directives, we
must provide an implementation of the ID3DInclude interface to the HLSL
compiler. Within the sample rendering framework, this is implemented within
the class, Common.HLSLFileIncludeHandler . A static helper class Common.
HLSLCompiler wraps this logic for us.
18. Let's now compile the new shaders using the Common.HLSLCompiler.
CompileFromFile method; we also need to add a new private member field
for the depth pixel shader. The following code snippet shows how to compile
the depth shader using the Common.HLSLCompiler class:
// Compile and create the depth pixel shader
using (var bytecode = HLSLCompiler.CompileFromFile(
@"Shaders\DepthPS.hlsl", "PSMain", "vs_5_0"))
depthShader = ToDispose(
new VertexShader(device, bytecode));
The graphics debugger ( Alt + F5 ) can be used to step through the
vertex and pixel shaders using the HLSL debugger in Visual Studio
2013 (any edition) or non-express versions of Visual Studio 2012.
19. Lastly, we must create the new Buffer instances. Within
CreateDeviceDependentResources , initialize the new buffers. This is done
exactly as before, except here we pass the size of the appropriate structure.
perObjectBuffer = ToDispose(new
Utilities.SizeOf< ConstantBuffers.PerObject >(),
ResourceUsage.Default, BindFlags.ConstantBuffer,
CpuAccessFlags.None, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0));
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