Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Building the blueprints
The game, as you might see in the project files, contains only four blueprints. As I said
earlier, a blueprint can be an object in your world or even a piece of logic without any
physical representation inside the game view. The four blueprints responsible for the game
are explained here:
ball : This is the blueprint that is responsible for the ball rendering and move-
ment. You can consider it as an entity in the game world, as it has its own repres-
entation, which is a 3D ball.
platform : This one also has its visual representation in the game world. This is
the platform that will receive the player input.
levelLayout : This one represents the level itself and its layout, walls, blocks,
and game camera.
bricksBreakingMode : Every game or level made with Unreal Engine should
have a game mode blueprint type. This defines the main player, the controller used
to control the gameplay, the pawn that works in the same way as the main player
but has no input, the HUD for the main UI controller, and the game state that is
useful in multiplayer games. Even if you are using the default setting, it will be
better to make a space holder one!
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