Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Show Platform Specific Leaderboard Screen : This gets executed when the
player wants to check the leaderboard screen. It opens either the Google Play ser-
vices leaderboard or the Game Center leaderboard depending on the running plat-
form. It takes only a string value, which is the category name, as an input, and is
the same as State Name from the read and write leaderboard functions.
Cache Achievements : Executing this starts caching and fetching the player saved
achievement's progress from the online service (Google Play or Game Center),
and it can succeed or fail depending on the connection, as shown in the following
Cache Achievements Description : This works in a similar manner as Cache
Achievements , except that it fetches the achievement's description itself. So it
fetches the ID info to the device (such as the achievement name or proper text
based on the achievement state), depending on whether he has unlocked this
Achievement ID or it is still locked. Also, sometimes you have to change the de-
scription, let's say, to fix a typo, then it needs to be updated on the player's device.
Get Cached Achievements Progress : With the achievement ID, you can start us-
ing the data you've already fetched via Cache Achievements , perhaps by sending
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