Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Adding devices
As a part of the secure development environment that Apple provides to developers, you
can define which devices are authorized to try the game/app during the development pro-
cess. So, in case someone gets a development version of the game, he/she will not be able
to run it on his/her device. Only the devices that are included in the provisioning profile
(we will explain how to do this shortly) will be able to run the game build.
Adding a new device is a very simple process; you just hit the Add new device button in
the Devices section on your left panel, and then provide the following details:
Name : This is a name to identify whose device it is. Any name works fine.
UDID : This is the unique identifier of the device. If you don't know how to get
this, the easiest way is to simply connect your device to a Mac/PC and open
iTunes. You will find the number directly on your device screen.
One last thing regarding the devices. Apple's developer portal allows you to add up to 100
devices in your devices list. These devices will not be per project but per account, meaning
that you can have 100 devices as a company only; so, use them wisely if you are working
in a huge team! Anyway, an iOS game in any size will not require such a massive team!
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