Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
An overview of blueprints
As the game has only four blueprints, which sounds like a small number for such a game,
all of them build the logic behind this complex endless game type. In fact, only two blue-
prints do all of the game logic and the other two were made for organization purposes. The
following are the four blueprints:
runnerMode : This is the Game Mode blueprint type for this game, and as men-
tioned earlier, it is very important to have different game modes per level or per
levelLayout : This is an Actor blueprint type and it contains the level construction,
the laser beams, the collectables, the UI, and the logic for the endless running, and
score calculations.
madScientist : This is from a Character blueprint type, which contains the anim-
ated sprites and the logic for the input and collisions with the laser beams and col-
madScientistController : This is from a Player Controller blueprint type, which
was necessary to work with the Character blueprint and to enable the mouse/
touch events.
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