Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
After you finished building your second iOS game with Unreal Engine, you probably star-
ted to feel at home inside the editor, started guessing and picking some new stuff that I nev-
er mentioned in this topic, and became more familiar with the engine while building actual
Finishing this game gives you the chance to dig deeper into the editor's unique and power-
ful windows, such as the Cascade window for particles editing.
Also, you worked on building another material but with different properties and exploring a
different shading mode than in the previous chapter.
Building your own for loop/macro was something very unique and you will start feeling its
power when you start building more complex logic and projects.
Giving feedback to the user either with a UI score text or by displaying a different screen is
something required nowadays within any successful game, and now you know how to do it.
Now it is time to build an even more complex game, with some collectables, basic enemies,
and animations. If you feel that you already understand this chapter 100 percent, then you
can start the next chapter; if not, then it is recommended that you go through this chapter
once more, as the next game will be based on the knowledge you received in this chapter
and Chapter 3 , Creating a Brick Breaking Game .
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