Game Development Reference
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With this connection, perform the next step if the player has swiped over the current blue-
print (which must have a collider and physics) with one finger. Then, you can add Cus-
tom Event and call it Process Chopping , and connect its call to OnInputTouchEnter
and that emulates a successful swipe.
After calling Process Chopping , it is time to add to the score. If you haven't made a fruit-
sGame blueprint yet, go ahead and build an empty one with an empty Custom Event
called Add Score , so that you can manage its call. Alternatively, you can add this part
later when you finish adding the fruitsGame blueprint. There are so many ways to com-
municate between blueprints, and those ways are used according to the blueprint types.
And as we are going to communicate between two normal blueprints that are based on the
actor's class, the best way to do this is by searching and casting.
1. First, let's add a new variable of the type fruitsGame_C , which is the fruit-
sGame blueprint you have already made and left almost empty. Name it fruit-
sGameManager .
2. Then, you can use the Get All Actors Of Class node to look for all of the avail-
able actors of the selected Actor Class in the current level. Then, do a small
ForEachLoop between them, and finally, run Cast To fruitsGame and apply the
found one into the fruitsGameManager variable you created earlier.
3. Finally, call the AddScore function from the fruitsGameManager variable
(which is the blueprint we found while using Get All Actors Of Class ).
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