Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
An overview of blueprints
Before you start, you must keep in mind that most of the blueprints run the same logic.
Apple, banana, kiwi, and watermelon : All of the fruits are the same; in fact, I
made the banana blueprint first and then duplicated it several times, changed the
sprites to use different fruit textures, and finally, renamed them. So you can follow
the same approach for a faster creation process. A fruit blueprint contains the logic
to get touched by the player, chop the fruit into two pieces, show some particles,
and finally, send a call to add the score.
bomb : The player must have something to make the gameplay harder. Something
to kill him/her. The bomb has almost the same construction and logic as the fruits,
except for one part. When it is touched, it shows the player a lose screen rather
than processing a chop and a score addition.
fruitsGame : Here rests all of the logic for the gameplay. Inside this blueprint is all
of the logic to instantiate the fruits and bombs in a random way in random posi-
tions. Also, it contains the UI for the score and the calculations to add scores or
show the player a win or lose state.
winScreen : This is a small blueprint having a camera and the text telling the player
that he/she won. It runs in its own level file.
loseScreen : This is the same as the winScreen blueprint, but it runs in a different
level file and shows a different text message to the player.
fruitChopperMode : This is a game mode, which is necessary for any Unreal
game/level as discussed earlier in Chapter 3 , Creating a Brick Breaking Game .
fruitChopperPlayerController : This is a placeholder player controller to be used
with the fruitChopperMode game mode blueprint class type. This can also be
used to enable some mouse and touch events.
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