Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter, you went through the process of building your first Unreal iOS game. Also,
you got used to making blueprints by adding nodes in different ways, connecting nodes,
and adding several component types into the blueprint and changing its values.
Also, you learned how to enable input in an actor blueprint and get the touch and mouse in-
put and fit them to your custom use.
You also got your hands on one of the most famous and powerful rendering techniques in
the editor, which is called dynamic material instancing. You learned how to make a custom
material and change its parameters whenever you want.
Procedurally, changing the look of the level is something interesting nowadays, and we
barely scratched its surface by setting different materials every time we load the level.
Later on, in Chapter 5 , Building an Exciting Endless Runner Game , you will dive deeper
into the procedural generation approach.
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