Environmental Engineering Reference
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Until the threats and problems of land environment contamination are successfully
managed and essentially rendered harmless, the road to sustainability will not be clear.
Although the treatment in this topic does not address the monumental problem of deple-
tion of nonrenewable resources, it nevertheless argues that the impacts from contamina-
tion of the land environment need to be mitigated and managed—as a very necessary step
toward the road to sustainability of the geoenvironment.
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ASTM E1943-98 (1998), Standard Guide for Remediation of Ground Water by Natural Attenuation at
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Bradley, P.M., Chapelle, F.H., and Landmeyer, J.E. (2001), Effect of redox conditions on
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mining Freundlich isotherms for soils and sediments. In R.N. Yong and H.R. Thomas (eds.),
Geoenvironmental Engineering: Integrated Management of Groundwater and Contaminated Land,
Thomas Telford, pp. 20-28.
Ehrlich, H.L. (1996), Geomicrobiology, 3rd ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, 719 pp.
Frankenberger, W.T. Jr. and Losi, M.E. (1995), Applications of bioremediation in the cleanup of
heavy metals and metalloids. In H.D. Skipper and R.F. Turco (eds.), Bioremediation Science and
Applications , SSSA, Special Publication Number 43, SSSA, Madison, Wisc, pp. 173-210.
Harkness, M.R., McDermott, J.B., Abramawicz, D.A., Salvo, J.J., Flanagan, W.P., Stephens, M.L.,
Mondella, F.J., May, R.J., Lobos, J.H., Carrol, K.M., Brennan, M.J., Bracco, A.A., Fish, K.M.,
Warmer, G.L., Wilson, P.R., Dietrich, D.K., Lin, D.T., Morgan, C.B., and Gately, W.L. (1993), In situ
stimulation of aerobic PCB biodegradation in Hudson River sediments, Science , 259:503-507.
Higgins, I.J. and Gilbert, P.D. (1978), The Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons. The Oil Industry and Microbial
Ecosystems , Heyden and Son, Ltd., London, pp. 80-115.
Landmeyer, J.E., Chapelle, F.H., Bradley, P.M. Pankow, J.F., Church, C.D., and Tratnyek, P.G. (1998),
Fate of MTBE relative to benzene in a gasoline-contaminated aquifer (1993-1995), Ground Water
Monitoring Review , 18(4):93-102.
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