Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
into the subsurface environment will pose problems to the environment and to
human health and other biota.
• Solid wastes : These are contained in waste landills and in underground reposito-
ries. Leachates generated can escape into the subsurface and can pose health and
environmental threats.
• Airborne emissions : Gaseous and noxious particulates pose problems when they
return to the land surface under gravitational forces and through rainfall and
snowfall. The classic problems of acid rain are clear demonstrations of the return
to land surface.
It is clear that the primary issues in respect to the discharges are the interactions of the
inorganic and organic chemicals with the subsurface geological material. Chapter 2 has
given a brief overview of these interactions in the context of contaminant-soil interactions.
These interactions are fundamental elements that govern the transport and fate of these
inorganic and organic chemicals in the ground. We will examine these further in the con-
text of the material developed in this chapter and the previous chapters. Chapters 9 and 10
consider most of these issues in terms of land environment impacts and geoenvironmental
sustainability indicators.
Frosch, R. and Gallopoulos, N. (1989), Strategies for manufacturing, Scientiic American , 261:144-152.
Hedin, A. (1997), Spent nuclear fuel—How dangerous is it? SKB Technical Report , 97-13.
Kansanen, P.H. and Venetvaara, J. (1991), Comparison of biological collectors of airborne heavy met-
als near ferrochrome and steel works, Water, Air & Soil Pollution , 60:337-359.
Klein, D.R. and Vlasova, T.J. (1992), Lichens, a unique forage resource threatened by air pollution,
Rangifer , 12:21-27.
Pacyna, J.M. (1995), The origin of Arctic air pollutants: Lessons learned and future research, Science
of the Total Environment , 160/161:39-53.
Pusch, R., Yong, R.N., and Nakano, M. (2011), High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal—A Global
Challenge , WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 299 pp.
Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) (1999), Deep repository for spent
nuclear fuel, SR97—Post-closure safety, SKB Report TR99-06, Main Report, Vol. 1.
USEPA (1979), Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture: Background Information for Proposed Emission
Standards, Report EPA-450/3-79-034a.
USEPA (2013), Original list of hazardous air pollutants, http://www.epa.gov.ttn/atw/188pols
.html/, last updated August 8, 2013, accessed June 27, 2014.
USEPA Ofice of Compliance (1995), Proile of the Inorganic Chemical Industry, Report EPA/
USEPA Ofice of Compliance (2002), Proile of the Organic Chemical Industry, 2nd ed., Report
Yong, R.N., Nakano, M., and Pusch, R. (2010), Containment of High-Level Radioactive and Hazardous
Solid Wastes with Clay Barriers , Spon Press, Taylor & Francis, London, 468 pp.
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