Java Reference
In-Depth Information
If task objects are persisted and executed asynchronously, any
application that can login to the corresponding DME for the named
user can check the execution status of that user's tasks. The JDMAd-
minConsole can be used to check task execution status as well. To per-
form synchronous execution, change lines 24 to 28 of the method
retrievePhysicalDataSet with the following lines:
ExecutionState lState mDmeConn.execute(lTask, null).getState();
if (lState.equals(ExecutionState.success)) {
In this case, the ComputeStatisticsTask need not have been per-
sisted in the repository and synchronous execution ends when the
statistical information is computed and stored in the PhysicalDataSet .
Retrieving the Statistics Information
After the statistics task completes, the statistics are displayed in a
dialog that is filled with a JPanel called DescriptiveStatisticDisplayer, as
shown in Figure 13-4. We do not describe the layout setup of this
specific displayer. The basic layout is a list of attributes on the left
side allowing the user to select one attribute. The right side of the
Figure 13-4
A view of the statistics on an example of a numerical attribute, “age,” and a
discrete attribute, “marital-status.”
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