Java Reference
In-Depth Information
51. style="document"/>
52. <operation name="saveObject">
53. <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
54. <input>
55. <soap:body use="literal"/>
56. </input>
57. <output>
58. <soap:body use="literal"/>
59. </output>
60. <fault name="jdmExceptionMsg">
61. <soap:fault name="jdmExceptionMsg" use="literal"/>
62. </fault>
63. </operation>
64. .. .. .. ..
65. </binding>
66. < service name="DataMiningService">
67. <port name="IDataMiningPort" binding="jdmws:IDataMiningBinding">
68. <soap:address location=" services/
69. </port>
70. </service>
71. </definitions>
Data Exchange and Security in JDMWS
JDMWS does not define standards for large input and output data
exchange between the data mining service provider and requester.
Data mining processes often involve large input and output
datasets, on the order of gigabytes, which are not efficiently sent
through Web services protocols. This is a problem for any Web ser-
vice that needs to process large volumes of data, and it is expected
that users of JDMWS will leverage existing protocols, standards,
and mechanisms to achieve vendor-neutral data exchange. In this
release, JDM assumes that the requester provides the data input
and output location details to the JDMWS provider and the pro-
vider has appropriate privileges and mechanisms for data
JDMWS intentionally does not define the DME connection details
specification as part of the operation payload. This is because Web
services security details are typically handled as part of the SOAP
headers and JDMWS assumes that security is dealt with separately as
part of the overall Web services framework.
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