Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Hamlin, W. K. and Howard, J. L., Physical Geology Laboratory Manual , Burgess Pub. Co., Minneapolis,
Hartmann, B. E., Rock Mechanics Instrumentation for Tunnel Construction , Terrametrics Inc., Golden,
CO, 1966.
Hoek, E. and Bray, J. W., Rock Slope Engineering , Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1974.
ISRM Working Party, Suggested methods for the description of rock masses, joints and discontinu-
ities, Int. Soc. Rock Mech ., 2nd Draft, Lisbon, August 1975.
Jaeger, C., Rock Mechanics and Engineering , Cambridge University Press, England, 1972.
Jennings, J. E., An Approach to the Stability of Rock Slopes Based on the Theory of Limiting
Equilibrium with a Material Exhibiting Anisotropic Shear Strength, Stability of Rock Slopes,
Proceedings of ASCE, 13th Symposium on Rock Mechanic, University of Illinois, Urbana,
pp. 269-302, 1972.
Lambe, T. W. and Whitman, R. V., Soil Mechanics , Wiley, New York, 1969.
Leonards, G. A., Foundation Engineering , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962, chap. 2.
Mohr, E. C. J., van Baren, F. A., and van Schyenborgh, J., Tropical Soils , 3rd ed., Mouon-Ichtiar-Van
Hoeve, The Hague, 1972.
Morin, W. J. and Tudor, P. C., Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics,
AID/csd 3682, U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, 1976.
Osipov, V. I. and Sokolov, V. N., Structure formation in clay sediments, Bull. Int. Assoc. Eng. Geol ., 18,
83-90, 1978.
Pirsson, L. V. and Knopf, A., Rocks and Rock Minerals , Wiley, New York, 1955.
Serafim, J.L. and Pereira, J.P., Considerations of the Geomechanical Classification System of
Bieniawski, Proceedings of the International Symposium Engineering Geology Underground
Construction, A.A. Balkema, Boston, 1983, pp. 33-43.
Simpson, B., Minerals and Rocks , Octopus Books Ltd., London, 1974.
Skempton, A. W., The Colloidal Activity of Clays, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Soil
Mechanics and Foundational Engineering , Switzerland, Vol. I, 1953, pp. 57-61.
Turner, F. J. and Verhoogan, J., Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960.
USAWES, The Unified Soil Classification System, Tech. Memo No. 3-357, U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS, 1967.
Wahlstrom, E. C., Tunneling in Rock , Elsevier, New York, 1973.
Wickham, G.E., Tiedemann, H.R., and Skinner, E.H., Support Determination Based on Geologic
Predictions, Proc. Rapid Excav. Tunneling Conf. AIME, New York, 1972, pp. 43-64.
Further Reading
ASTM STP 984, in Classification Systems for Engineering Purposes , Kirkaldie, L., Ed., ASTM, Philadelphia,
PA, 1988.
Dennen, W. H., Principles of Mineralogy , The Ronald Press, New York, 1960.
Kraus, E. H., Hunt, W. F., and Ramsdell, L. S., Mineralogy — An Introduction to the Study of Minerals
and Crystals , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1936.
Rice, C. M., Dictionary of Geologic Terms , Edwards Bros., Ann Arbor, MI, 1954.
Skempton, A. W. and Northey, R. D., The sensitivity of clays, Geotechnique 3 , 30-53, 1952.
Travis, R. B., Classification of Rock, Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines, Boulder.
Vanders, I. and Keer, P. F., Mineral Recognition , Wiley, New York, 1967.
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