Travel Reference
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We hike up over a narrow pass, past a sunbathing marmot, down by a lake where a
nesting mew gull gives us the evil eye, across the road we came in on and up a knoll, from
the top of which the two and a half mile length of Wonder Lake stretches out before us.
The wonderful reflection today is, alas, only clouds, except, as we are about to leave Si-
mon says, “Oh hey, folks! See those two peaks over that ridge?” We look, and we do, and
it turns out to be Foraker, known to the Athabascans as Sultana, meaning “the woman,”
and also “Menlale,” meaning “Denali's wife.” We've finally seen the top of a mountain,
and, even better, a breeze picks up and blows us back to camp.
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