Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
There is plenty I didn't do. I never went sport fishing. Coming from a commercial fish-
ing background, I have never seen any sense in catching one salmon at a time. I was going
to go sea kayaking out of Whittier when the company I was going with went out of busi-
ness. I caught a cold the week I was supposed to fly up to Kantishna Glacier on Denali,
and no way do I get on a small plane with plugged-up ears and fly to fourteen thousand
feet. I wanted very badly to take the Blue Canoe out to the Aleutians, but Andy said no,
the magazine had done enough on Dutch for a while. He'll pay for that, one day.
It has been an amazing five years. Alaska is a very big place, and Alaskans, even those
who fly, seldom get to see all of it. I didn't, either, but I got to see a lot more than most. To
the readers, thanks for your emails and letters, and thanks for all the times you've come
up to me, in coffee shops and post offices and airports, in Alaska and Outside, to tell me
how much you have loved the column. I have loved writing it.
So will Sherry Simpson.
Sherry Simpson is a reporter and a teacher at the University of Alaska Anchorage. She
writes perceptive, elegant prose about life in Alaska. One of my favorite pieces of hers is
“Telling Raven Stories” from her topic, The Way Winter Comes .
But how about I let Sherry speak for herself. Alaska Magazine readers, meet Sherry
Sherry, meet the folks. Enjoy them. I sure did.
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