Travel Reference
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David, 12, says, “I loved it! I thought it was one of the funnest things I've done all sum-
mer! I liked the rapids the best. I sat up front and I got soaked.” Although it must be recor-
ded that Mike, 11, “turning twelve in October,” got the prize for being the wettest. “I
thought it was really fun,” says Mike. “There were rapids and some of them were really
big, some were like really big, like when they went down and came back up like a wave.”
His brother Matt, 13, says, “I loved it, it was awesome! I went down the Truckee River
once but this was a lot different. The rapids on this one were a lot bigger.” Mark, 7½, says,
“I really didn't want to go, they made me. But when I got on I wanted to go. I got my face
wet. It was really cold.”
There you have it, the straight skinny on rafting the Copper River drainage on an
August day trip out of Cordova. It doesn't hurt when, after a lazy, rolling ride downriver,
you take out at the bridge and Robin is waiting with hot chocolate and smoked Copper
River red salmon dip and crackers.
It's a great family outing, part thrill ride and part nature course, and as Matt says,
“Yeah, I'd do it again!”
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