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Serial RGB LED controller
Context: Arduino
Controls an RGB LED whose R, G and B legs are
connected to pins 11, 9, and 10, respectively.
To start, you need to set up the
constants to hold the pin numbers.
You'll also need a variable to hold the
number of the current pin to be faded,
and one for the brightness.
// constants to hold the output pin numbers:
const int greenPin = 9;
const int bluePin = 10;
const int redPin = 11;
int currentPin = 0; // current pin to be faded
int brightness = 0; // current brightness level
The setup() method opens serial
communications and initializes the
LED pins as outputs.
void setup() {
// initiate serial communication:
// initialize the LED pins as outputs:
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// if there's any serial data in the buffer, read a byte:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
int inByte = Serial.read();
In the main loop, everything
depends on whether you have
incoming serial bytes to read.
// respond to the values 'r', 'g', 'b', or '0' through '9'.
// you don't care about any other value:
if (inByte == 'r') {
currentPin = redPin;
if (inByte == 'g') {
currentPin = greenPin;
if (inByte == 'b') {
currentPin = bluePin;
If you do have incoming data, there
are only a few values you care
about. When you get one of the values
you want, use if statements to set the
pin number and brightness value.
Finally, set the current pin to the
current brightness level using the
analogWrite() command.
if (inByte >= '0' && inByte <= '9') {
// map the incoming byte value to the range of
// the analogRead() command:
brightness = map(inByte, '0', '9', 0, 255);
// set the current pin to the current brightness:
analogWrite(currentPin, brightness);
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