Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Wireless Communication
If you're like most people interested in this area, you've been reading
through the early chapters thinking, “but what about wireless?” Perhaps
you're so eager that you just skipped straight to this chapter. If you did,
go back and read the rest of the topic! In particular, if you're not familiar
with serial communication between computers and microcontrollers,
you'll want to read Chapter 2 before reading this chapter. This chapter
explains the basics of wireless communication between objects. In it,
you'll learn about two types of wireless communication, and then build
some working examples.
Alex beim's Zygotes ( www.tangibleinteraction.com ) are lightweight, inflatable rubber balls lit from within
by LED lights. The balls change color in reaction to pressure on their surface, and they use ZigBee radios to commu-
nicate with a central computer. A network of zygotes at a concert allows the audience to have a direct effect
not only on the balls themselves, but also on the music and video projections to which they are networked.
Photo courtesy of Alex Beim.
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