Hardware Reference
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Next, initialize a few array variables
with the network configuration for the
byte mac[] = { 0x00, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDE, 0x01 };
IPAddress ip( 192,168,1,20 );
IPAddress server( 208,201,239,101 );
8 Change these to
match your own device
and server.
The last global variables you need
to add are for the Client class, and
a few variables relating to the transac-
tion with the server.
// Initialize the Ethernet client library
Client client;
boolean requested; // whether you've made a request
long lastAttemptTime = 0; // last time you connected to the server
int airQuality = 0; // AQI value
boolean meterIsSet = false; // whether the meter is set
setup() starts the serial and
Ethernet connections, sets all the LED
pins to be outputs, blinks the reset
LED, and makes an initial attempt to
connect to the server.
void setup() {
// start the Ethernet connection:
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
// start the serial library:
// set all status LED pins:
pinMode(connectedLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(successLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(resetLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(disconnectedLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(meterPin, OUTPUT);
// give the Ethernet shield a second to initialize:
// blink the reset LED:
blink(resetLED, 3);
// attempt to connect:
The blink() method called in the
setup blinks the reset LED so you know
the microcontroller's main loop is
about to begin.
void blink(int thisPin, int howManyTimes) {
// Blink the reset LED:
for (int blinks=0; blinks< howManyTimes; blinks++) {
digitalWrite(thisPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(thisPin, LOW);
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