HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Table A-3 HTML Tags and Attributes (continued)
HTML Tag and Attributes
Identifies and groups rows into a table header
align= position **
Specifies horizontal alignment
char= character **
Specifies a character on which to align column values (for example,
a period is used to align monetary values)
charoff= value **
Specifies a number of characters to offset data aligned with the character
specified in the char property
valign= position **
Sets vertical alignment of cells in a group
Defines a date/time
datetime= datetime
Specifies the date or time for the time element; this attribute is used
if no date or time is specified in the element's content
Specifies that the date and time in the <time> element is the publication
date and time of the document (or the nearest ancestor article element)
Defines the title for the HTML document; should always be used
Defines a row of cells within a table
align= position **
Specifies horizontal alignment
bgcolor= color **
Defines the background color for the cell
char= character **
Specifies a character on which to align column values (for example, a
period is used to align monetary values)
charoff= value **
Specifies a number of characters to offset data aligned with the character
specified in the char property
valign= position **
Sets vertical alignment of cells in a group
<tt>….</tt> **
Formats the enclosed text in teletype- or computer-style monospace font
<u>….</u> **
Sets enclosed text to appear with an underline
Defines an unordered list that contains bulleted list item elements (<li>)
type=circle, disc, square **
Sets or resets the bullet format for the list
Indicates the enclosed text is a variable's name; used to mark up variables
or program arguments
Defines a video
If present, then the video will start playing as soon as it is ready
If present, controls will be displayed, such as a play button
height= pixels
Sets the height of the video player
If present, the video will start over again, every time it is finished
Specifies the default state of the the audio. Currently, only “muted”
is allowed
poster= URL
Specifies the URL of an image representing the video
preload=auto, metadata, none
Specifies whether or not the video should be loaded when the page loads
src= URL
The URL of the video to play
width= pixels
Sets the width of the video player
Defines a possible line break
New with HTML5
* Deprecated tags
** Not supported in HTML5
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