HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Table A-3 HTML Tags and Attributes (continued)
HTML Tag and Attributes
Marks the start and end of a Web page form
action= URL
Specifies the URL of the application that will process the form; required attribute
autocomplete=on, off
Specifies whether or not the form should have autocomplete enabled
enctype= encoding
Specifies how the form element values will be encoded
method=get, post
Specifies the method used to pass form parameters (data) to the server
name= form_name
Specifies the name for a form
If present the form should not be validated when submitted
target=_blank, _self, _parent,
_top, framename
Specifies the frame or window that displays the form's results
<frame>….</frame> **
Delimits a frame within a frameset
frameborder= option **
Specifies whether the frame border is displayed
marginheight= value **
Adds n pixels of space above and below the frame contents
marginwidth= value **
Adds n pixels of space to the left and the right of the frame contents
name= text **
Specifies the name of the frame
noresize **
Prevents the user from resizing the frame
scrolling= option **
Adds scroll bars or not—always, never, or add when needed
src= URL **
Defines the URL of the source document that is displayed in the frame
<frameset>….</frameset> **
Defines a collection of frames in a frameset
cols= value1 , value2 ,… **
Defines the number and width of frames within a frameset
frameborder= option **
Specifies whether the frame border is displayed
rows= value1 , value2 ,… **
Defines the number and height of frames within a frameset
Delimits the start and end of the HTML document's head
Defines a header for a section or page
Defines information about a section in a document
<h n >….</h n >
Defines a header level n , ranging from the largest (h1) to the
smallest (h6)
align=left, center, right **
Specifies the header alignment
<hr />
Inserts a horizontal rule
align=left, center, right **
Specifies the alignment of the horizontal rule
noshade=noshade **
Specifies to not use 3D shading and to round the ends of the rule
size= value **
Sets the thickness of the rule to a value in pixels
width= pixels, % **
Sets the width of the rule to a value in pixels or a percentage of the page
width; percentage is preferred
Indicates the start and the end of the HTML document
manifest= URL
Specifies the URL of the document's cache manifest
version= data **
Indicates the HTML version used; not usually used
Sets enclosed text to appear in italics
<iframe>….</iframe> *
Creates an inline frame, also called a floating frame or subwindow,
within an HTML document
height= pixels
Sets the frame height to a value in pixels
marginheight= value **
Sets the margin between the contents of the frame and its top and bottom
borders to a value in pixels
marginwidth= value **
Sets the margin between the contents of the frame and its left and right
borders to a value in pixels
New with HTML5
* Deprecated tags
** Not supported in HTML5
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