Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Installing PostgreSQL
The next step is to prepare a database for our Confluence installation.
To install PostgreSQL, simply perform the following steps:
Download Pos tgreSQL from nload/windows/ .
At the time of writing, the most recent version of
PostgreSQL was not supported by Confluence. We
will be using PostgreSQL Version 9.0.12.
2. Double-click on the downloaded installation file to start the installation wizard.
3. Select where you would like to install PostgreSQL and want to store the data.
We'll be using the default settings during this exercise.
4. Choose a password for the root user; keep in mind that this is not the
password for our Confluence database. I used p0stgre$ , to keep it simple
and easy to remember during this exercise and confirm to the Windows 2008
password security rules.
5. If you choose a different port number, please make sure it doesn't conflict
with any other services running on your machine. Also remember the port
number, as we'll need it later.
Uncheck the checkbox to make sure Stack Builder isn't launched at the
completion of the installation process. We don't need it.
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