Databases Reference
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Based on our action configuration, the method view() is called and based upon
the return the success or error template is rendered.
This is of course a simple example, but you can do much more in this action
class. The action class is also available in your template, so if you want to render
certain information via that template, make sure there is a get method available,
just like #getViewMessage() .
Web Sections
Web Sections allows your plugin to add new sections to existing menus;
each section can contain one or more links, which are defined as Web Items.
We can use Web Sections to add a new section to the Confluence administration
for our plugin configuration.
The module descriptor
The syntax of a Web Section is as follows:
<web-section key="plugin-admin-section" location="system.admin"
<label key="" />
<condition class="com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.descriptor.web.
conditions.SystemAdministratorCondition" />
Let's break down this definition:
<web-section key="plugin-admin-section" location="system.admin"
A web-section element requires a key , which is a unique identifier for this
component. location relates to the menu this section needs to be added to
and the weight determines at which position it needs to be added to.
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