Databases Reference
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Setting distributionManagement
The release process will upload your plugin to a specified location defined by
the distributionManagement section in your pom.xml file. This location can be
anything from a remote server to your local filesystem. For now, we will set
this location to a temp directory on your local machine, as the process requires
this setting.
1. Open the pom.xml file in your plugin.
2. Add the following lines to the file:
3. The variable will be replaced with your own local settings.
4. Save the file.
The next step is to release your plugin:
Make sure all changes have been committed.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of your plugin
and run the following command:
atlas-mvn release:prepare
3. This command will update your pom.xml file with the required version
and will make a new tag for the release. During the process you will be
asked the release version and the next development version.
4. After the command has finished run the following command:
atlas-mvn release:perform
This command will:
° Check out the just created tag.
° Run all tests.
° Compile the code and package it.
° Upload your binary to a defined location.
5. After the command is finished, you can find your released plugin in the
target directory in your plugin folder. This should be a .jar file, named
for your plugin and version, that is button-macro-1.0.jar .
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