Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter we have learned where we can find add-ons to add new features
to Confluence so it will it all of your needs. The Atlassian Marketplace is a vibrant
place, and more and more add-ons are added every day. Browsing through it can be
done with ease from within Confluence.
Content is everything, and everything is content, in Confluence. Under normal
circumstances, indexing that content works fine, but in some cases we have to help
Confluence. We learned about content indexing and how to maintain it if needed.
With application links, it is possible to integrate Confluence with other tools to create
a real suite of products. Application links make it possible to get different content
from different tools all in one single application. With Application Navigator, it's
also very easy to switch between the various tools.
Last but not least, we learned how to get support if we are stuck. There are many
online resources available, and the Atlassian Support and experts are there to get
you on the road again.
The next chapter will give you a peek into how you can write your own
add-ons. This means that some coding is involved. If this is not something
you are comfortable with, just give the topic to a developer in your company
when you're finished; he or she might be able to help you write the add-on
you need.
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